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Eco-Connections Science Fair

The Eco-Connections Science Fair was an event I hosted and organized in partnership with the Carmel Clay Public Library. This fair provided elementary, middle, and high school students to connect one environmental topic (soil chemistry, pollution, plastics, etc.) with a health topic (respiratory health, food contamination, etc.). Then, students were given their own choice of presentation: a research poster, an art piece, or writing. Additionally, they were given the option to present a prototype to address the challenges they investigated. The main goal for this science fair was to encourage creative thinking and the ability to make interdisciplinary connections between two seemingly different topics. Also, this science fair provided a platform for innovative expression through prototype designing and expressing science through the arts.

Engaging the Community

A huge thank you to the Carmel Clay Public Library for providing a location for this event as well as tables, microphones, chairs, a projector, and so many essentials to make this successful! On the left, I was in the process of starting the science fair with explaining to participants on the goal of this event. On the right, I am standing next to the science fair advertisement at the library.

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A Glimpse of Presentations

Brilliant students ranging from elementary throughout high school presented about their unique interpretation of an environmental issue and a health issue. As participants and other people stopped by. On the left, one of the students presented about the relationship between air pollutants and respiratory health along with preventative measures. On the right, students presented about vehicle use and the environment as spectators passed by.

Here, I am presenting several other environmental health projects I created. In the tri-fold behind me, I created a layout of what I presented at the Johns Hopkins Global Health Leaders Conference about the plastic crisis and how that threatens global health. On the tri-fold next to that, I posted a poem I created about the current state of the Earth titled, "Dear Earth, We Are Sorry".




Here is the picture from the award ceremony celebrating all the hard work of these students in the science fair!

News Features

On the left, I have been featured in the Current Publishing Carmel newspaper for my work in the Eco-Connections Science Fair. On the right, I was posted on the Carmel High School HiLite's newspaper social media page.

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